8 Cool Facts from the 2021 Artur Gander Memorial

1. The Gander Memorial  is a competition where gymnasts only do three events. They are allowed to skip one and they can choose which one.  Only one gymnast skipped vault (Giorgia Villa) and only two skipped beam (Angelina Melnikova and Goksu Uctas Sanli)

2. Host Switzerland had two gymnasts competing: Lilli Leanne Habisreutinger (6th) and Martina Eisenegger (7th)

3.First competition for Giorgia Villa since she injured her ankle at Italian Nationals and was forced to miss the Olympics. She only competed two events obtaining the third best score on both despite mistakes. She fell from bars and grabbed the beam.

4. The oldest gymnast competing was Goksu Uctas Sanli (age 31) who had the second best Floor score.

5.The bronze medallist was Ciena Alipio. This is the first appearance by a US gymnast at the competition since Jeannette Antolin placed 7th at the 1998 edition.

6.The silver medal went to Tais Boura who had in her medal a birthday gift since the competition was held on November 3rd and she turned 16 on November 8th.

7.Angelina Melnikova won the competition. This is her second time as champion of the Gander Memorial. She won the title in her senior debut year back in 2016.

8.The top scores all came from Angelina Melnikova in the three events she competed; she skipped beam. Tais Boura had the top score on beam.

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